5 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips

March 26, 2014 1 Comment

5 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips

Fact; it's been a long, hard, polar vortex ridden, freezing, winter. (I think we can all agree on that) Everyone is ready for warmer weather. For trees to finally bloom. To get outside and to get the house ready for a fun filled summer. But before that, one thing needs to happen... Spring Cleaning!

This can definitely be a chore. Where do you start? Can you get it all done in a weekend? Men and women alike procrastinate with starting their Spring Cleaning. With that said, we wanted to share 5 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips to get you off the couch, and get your Spring Cleaning off to a flying start. Here we go!

1. Before you start

Make a list of what you want to get done, get the supplies you need from the store, and pick a weekend to get the job done. Nothing will stand in your way this year! 

2. Less is more

The first task on your list should be to make a "goodwill" run. Get rid of all the junk you don't need first.

3. Window love

Dust your blinds, wipe down the insides, and wash the outsides. (Be sure to secure your ladder when washing the outsides with, of course, a PiViT LadderTool)

4. Fight the dust

Spend some serious time dusting. Move all the furniture, vacuum underneath and the baseboards, and dust all your light fixtures.

5. Breath of fresh air

Open your windows, replace all air filters, and get some fresh scents in your home with candles or plugin air fresheners.


New pillows are a great, inexpensive way to update the atmosphere of your home. New season, new vibe. 


If you liked our 5 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips, be sure to share it with your friends. Happy Spring Cleaning!

- ProVisionTools Team

1 Response


December 13, 2015

I did some Spring cleaning this week as well! Had comnapy coming and had been ill for a couple of weeks. The house needed it and I had a good excuse! Now it is done and I can have more time to play outside this Spring instead of cleaning.

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